Don't Jeopardize Your Family's Health and Comfort.
Stay Elite during your home renovation in Pittsburgh
Housing elite athletes, entertainers, and professionals since 2014
Studies show numerous health risks associated with staying in a home during large-scale renovations.
Exposure to Hazardous Materials:
Renovations, especially in older homes, can release harmful substances such as lead, asbestos, and mold. Lead, commonly found in pre-1978 homes, can cause severe health issues, particularly in children and pregnant women, affecting nearly every system in the body. Asbestos fibers, once disturbed, can lead to lung diseases and cancer. Mold exposure can cause respiratory issues, particularly for those with allergies or asthma. |
Indoor Air Quality:
Renovations can significantly deteriorate indoor air quality by releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paints, solvents, and building materials. Poor ventilation can exacerbate the concentration of these pollutants, leading to respiratory problems, cognitive deficits, and even cancer over long-term exposure. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences notes that indoor air pollution is a major global health issue, with substantial contributions to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. |
We understand how stressful a large-scale renovation can be for you and your family and we can help. Don't sacrifice your health and living standards, stay elite in a doSh furnished home and optimize the time until your home is complete.